Thursday, July 1, 2010

cultural observations

As a globetrotter, I always try to immerse myself in my surroundings as much as I can. That is the best way to travel and learn. So far, in my two day stay here these are some of the measures I noticed about the culture in Bermuda:

-life is very slow-paced. My brother said the people live on 'Bermuda time', which essentially means that people live by each moment. Cabs will arrive 40 minutes after you called them to arrive; buses will be late sometimes; the speed limit is 35kph. Just the other day we dined at a local restaurant. We had asked to see the dessert menu, and the waitress brought it over 15 minutes later. The restaurant wasn't busy at all. They just like to take their time here, which is nice. This is the kind of life I would prefer to live--100% stress-free and good for the heart.

-manners go very far. You are expected to greet people, like a simple "Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening" is a social norm. Everyone I've encountered is so friendly. When I get off the bus each time, I thank the bus driver and he/she always replies "your welcome [and good night]". 

-another thing to go along with the bus drivers, is that they are very considerate--nothing like in Taipei. The driver closes the doors AFTER you sit down. Unlike in Taipei, the bus driver will zoom off even as an elderly is in the midst of climbing the bus stairs. 

-Bermuda shorts, polo tucked in shorts/pants, boat shoes, dresses....people really dress up here. You will rarely find people wandering around running errands in sweats or even jeans. Most restaurants here expect you to dress nicely and some even frown upon jeans. It is also a law that you can't wear just a bikini if you are 25feet away from the beach.

-colors. Bermuda is very colorful, which makes it a photographer's haven. The purple, coral, green, turquoise, yellow houses look beautiful against the blue sky + fluffy clouds backdrop!!

-shiny happy people. The Bermudians are beaming with happiness. Always smiling and friendly. Must be all the sun, gorgeous beaches, blue sky almost everyday, bright clouds... 

a house in our neighborhood

interesting architecture!

gorgeous blue house. i want to live here.


yes, a neon green house.

1 comment:

  1. haha, i thought the houses in macau were unusually colorful too!
